Caring for the environment
In line with government policy we constantly work to eradicate alien vegetation from our Coastal Bush. This makes for a more “user friendly” environment for our free-roaming animals.
Caring for our wildlife
Seaview Lion Park has treated many sick or injured animals and facilitated their rehabilitation to the wild. One such rewarding example was the release of the huge Secretary Bird during the first years of the Park.
The bird had been poisoned and being very weak he was unable to eat or even stand when he arrived. After constant attention, and careful feeding, he was soon able to stride off and soar into the distance.
Some of the animals brought into the Park by caring public have been restored to health and released into the safe confines of the Park. Others still have to be looked after continually, as they could be a danger to the public or they cannot feed themselves. They have been housed in our sanctuary area under the boardwalk.